A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.
Addie has been blessed to work with some of the best coaches in Arizona. They have guided her, sharpen her skills, and knowledge of the game.

Coach Jared Brimhall
Hitting, Fielding & Club Play
(2013 - Current) Vendetta - Brimhall 14u, 16u & 18u Vendettabrimhall@outlook.com

John Downs
Hitting Coach 2020 - Current
Hitting Coach at Legends info@legendsbaseball.org

Chelsey Broermann (Street)
Specialty Coach - Mental, Fielding & College Prep
(2019, 2013-15) Assistant Coach - GCU Softball, (2016-2019) Player Development - Georgetown Univ., (2018-2019) Texas - Coordinator , (2010-2012) ASU Grad Assistant, @cbroermann

Adrian Gomez
Throwing Coach 2019 - 2021
Arm Care & Throwing Mechanics 212athlete@gmail.com

Jennifer Broderick
Catching Coach 2017-2019
Varsity Head Coach Desert Ridge HS Catching & Fielding Skills tjsr123@q.com